CRVA statement on George Floyd
Charlotte. We are passionate people from all walks of life whose differences make this city stronger.
The senseless death of George Floyd calls for us to commit openly and earnestly to promoting equality, inclusion and compassion. This is a defining moment. We need to redefine what it means to support and lift up our community, and most importantly, we need the voices of many to answer the call and chart this direction in our city.
The CRVA is the trusted leader of Charlotte’s visitor economy. We do not pretend to have the answers, but we know that we must be a part of the conversation. We must listen, we must educate ourselves and we must stand against racism, injustice, hatred and violence.
We fully support peaceful protests taking place throughout the Charlotte region and hold ourselves accountable to drive positive change. Our core value of Inclusion calls us to discover and value our differences. We must dig deeper.
We stand with Charlotte’s community, especially our Black residents, businesses and visitors. We hear you. We see you. We stand with you.